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No More Boring Backseat!

Before my husband and I had kids of our own, we were constantly taking road trips and being spontaneous. We would be laying in bed at night and come up with this brilliant plan to just take off for the weekend.

It was nice to just be able to up-and-go... but now we have three children who make it more of a chore to leave the house. But hey, that's okay! Throughout the years I've mastered the road trip games and activities.

Here are some of our favorites to keep the kids occupied in the backseat:


Counting Cars: How many red cars can you find in 10 minutes? Can you find 20 semi-trucks? Whoever gets the most or gets to the number first, wins! Super easy and I'm always sure to have a baggy of snacks ready for the winner! Some times I'll have little notebooks & pencils handy so the kids can keep track!

Finish the Song: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little _______...." The kids take turns trying to figure out the missing word to the song and they always end up laughing hysterically. This one is even better if you can add some songs to your playlist!

The Animal Game: What has big ears, a big nose, and loves to play in the mud? An elephant! What has wings, a stinger, and is yellow & black? A bee! This game is always a hit with the younger kids! And honestly, you can keep this game going for hours! Just don't lose your sanity along the way (hehe).

I Spy: I think everyone knows this game! You can adapt this game to the age of your kids, easier things to find for the younger ones and harder items to find for the older kids! Make this even better by adding in a quantity! For example, "I spy... 3 birds!". This adds a little more excitement for the little ones.

Road Trip Bingo: This is, by far, my kids' #1 favorite game to play when we take long trips. (Feel free to save & print this!) Be sure to bring along some pieces to use as a bingo chip - we use fruit loops or pennies! Whoever wins, gets a special snack from Momma (I usually keep a baggy of snacks on me for times like this!).

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