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Confessions from Mom

Did you leave the potty-training to Dad? How about throwing away your child's toy with no remorse? Ahh... yeah... I've been there. Even 'superhero' moms have some kind of confession tucked away in their diaper bags...

No need to feel guilty, we all have our own little secrets, lies, and hidden truths! From one Momma to another, here's some of my confessions that I've been reluctant to share.


It drives me crazy that I do not know what my youngest wants at times. Like seriously, it's an


I've given in to a second bedtime snack in order to get out of playing barbies (again).

Are the 25 minute poops really necessary... Dad?!

The constant whining drives me into my bedroom to "put the clothes away" -- I really enjoy just laying on my bed in silence.

I think I'm driving myself crazy with repetitive repeat mode. "No, don't touch that." "No, don't touch that". "Marie, I told you NO, don't touch that!"

Cereal for dinner?? Yeah, I've been down for that.

Yes, I really do know the theme song to Yo Gabba Gabba and yes, I can't help but sing it every single time.

Pet Peeve #1: Do not touch my keyboard while Mommy has her laptop out. (Kids in the background: "Bahahaha, yeah, okay!")

I have been known to toss markers and crayons as I find them lying around the house. #SorryNotSorry

Thinking to myself while laboring over the stove - if these kids don't eat their vegetables I'm starving everyone for a week!


What are your #MomConfessions? Let me know on Twitter or Facebook!

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