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Surviving Flu Season with Kids

Unfortunately, it's that time of year again. The dreaded flu season is upon us and it seems to be hitting some really hard ( I feel your pain) ... runny noses for weeks and weeks, disrupted routine, and lots of whining makes it tough on everyone!

Your kids can't avoid every little bug, no matter how much hand washing they do. I know, this is a bummer... but do you want good news? Catching colds and viruses can actually be a good thing from time to time! This helps to develop a stronger immune system but it is still worth teaching your kids good habits to prevent the spread of those nasty germs (and boost his or her's immunity!)...

There is more to it than hand washing and disinfecting when the flu hits your house, especially if you have kids! I know all-too-well how miserable the entire house gets when someone is sick ( we just got done battling a never-ending cold) but I found some tricks that I hope will make your days and nights a little easier!


Sharing is not always caring : Be sure to teach your kid(s) not to share food, cups, and anything else that would go near their mouth. We don't want to share germs either so be sure to show them the proper way to sneeze and cough (into their inner-elbow!) and no wiping boogies on their shirt sleeves!

Hydration : My son is not a water drinker so I've had to come up with ways to add more fluid into his diet, especially when he's sick. I make 'popsicles' by filling my popsicle containers with water and 2 pieces of frozen fruit (he loves strawberries) ... you can also purchase an electrolyte drink - which come in yummy flavors! (I've been known to make these into popsicles too). Melons, such as watermelon or cantaloupe, all have a high amount of water in them too!

Rest and Relaxation : Okay, I totally understand that these two words don't mix well with younger kids... BUT ... rest is necessary when we are sick. Grab some books, turn on a really good movie, or grab your kid's favorite toys and snuggle on the couch for the day. My 5 year old doesn't sit still for long so we sometimes make a blanket fort in the living room where he can see the TV. A coloring book is also a good idea - or a matching game!

Tummy-ache and Vomiting If your kid is throwing up or having tummy issues, try the BRAT diet to ease the discomfort.

B.R.A.T= Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast

These are easy on the stomach and most kids love them!

We have a designated juice pitcher for these vomiting moments. It has a handle to carry around and it's great to control vomit when there's a lot. Line it with a grocery bag for easy clean up!

Essential Oils : I love essential oils and I use them a lot in my house. When you have the chills from a fever, use chamomile, black pepper, peppermint, hyssop, or lemon tree oils in a warm bath. Body aches? I use eucalyptus, ginger, lavender, or tea tree oil. If congestion is your issue, try burning them next to the bedside in an aroma lamp (eucalyptus is great for congestion too)!

Use Your Mommy Gut : If your kid is really sick, sleeping an awful lot, or if you're worried about dehydration, do not hesitate to phone your doctor! You know your child best and don't question your instincts.


It's no fun being sick or watching your little one succumb to the nasty flu bug... but take it easy, give them extra lovin's, and be sure to let them know that there are ways to [better] prevent getting sick in the future! Work together to come up with some more ideas and I hope everyone has a healthy and happy Holiday!

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