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No Money for a Vacation or Family Trip?

Who wants to sit around the house all the time?! When you have kids, that's just simply not an option.

Family time and 'get-away' time is essential to maintaining your family's happ-iness, making memories, and keeping your sanity! But, trust me, I know that the budget is tight and finding spare money to actually go have fun is nonexistent anymore. I have been in this boat and I remember all too well how that feels.

I'm going to share my little 'secrets' to fattening your wallet and finally saving up enough money to go have some fun!

You guys deserve it!

#1) First, you have to sit down and make a list of priorities. Yes, you need to pay your bills, put that one down. You also need to set aside money every month for food, school lunches, gas for the mini-van, and such. Write down what you have to pay and what you need to save up for. No, you don't need those really blingin' boots you seen at the mall yesterday ...and that Starbucks coffee can wait. Sorry girl! Needs and wants are very different. If you find yourself coming up with far-fetched reasons to make the purchase or you can’t think of a specific use for the item, it’s probably not something you truly need and you can leave it on the rack. If you decide it is something you need, ask yourself… do I have room for it? Will I use it?

#2) Jump on the 'crazy coupon' frenzy and start saving some money! Remember, you can use (1) manufacturer's coupon and (1) store coupon to save even more! Use rebates and take advantage of sales. Personally, I save about $300-500 a year by using coupons, frequent buyer cards, rebates, and more. If you're looking for more info on how to start couponing and saving money, check out this blog! Another great idea is using apps like the Walmart Savings Catcher that can possibly put money back into your wallet. There are several different ones out there, so do your due-diligence and see if they are worth using.

#3) Stop buying the name brand shampoo and conditioner and go for a cheaper brand. You may just find that the cheaper item is better than the expensive one! This goes for everything you purchase. Dollar Tree has been a blessing for my family when it comes to holiday decorations, kitchen utensils/towels, nail polish, and other nonchalant things. Another thing to think about - do we really need to spend $5 on wrapping paper when it ultimately gets thrown away? (uhm, no... not in my book! I'll go with the cheapy and save a few bucks!) If you sit down and think about all of the things that we spend too much money on, it really is insane!

#4) Reuse, Sell, or Recycle to save money (and help Mother Earth). Instead of buying a new kitchen table because yours is scratched or looking a bit old - sand it down and repaint it! Another (slightly obvious) way to make some extra cash is to recycle your scrap metal. This can include soda cans and old car parts. You can even make money from selling your old and/or broken electronics! Before tossing something in the trash, ask yourself: Can I sell this? Am I able to refurbish this into something I'd like?

#5) Google. There is no better way to find vacation deals and packages than online! Be sure you aren't looking to vacation during peak season and remember that you can schedule way ahead of time and save even more money! You can find local venues and events as well as cross-country destinations, all online! (...and they say technology isn't great!)

#6) Remember the good ole' piggy bank you had when you were a kid? Yeah, it was a pain cashing it in but hey, that's money! Start saving up all of your change. The pennies you find in the couch, the quarters rolling around in your dryer, and the dimes you find in your kids' pants pocket -- every little bit counts! When we cash in our piggy-bank (which is just a small one), we get between $10-20!

Every house and family does things their own way so these may need twisted around a little bit but you can do it! The list of ways you can save moo-lah is seriously endless.. I can keep this post going and going but I won't do that to you!

Shut off your TV when you're finished watching it and save some money on your electric bill. Take advantage of fuel perks and customer rewards. Have a yard sale and sell of the stuff you are no longer using. If your kids want to earn some money themselves, have them ask the neighbors if they need help with yard work...

Go for a one-day trip instead of a week-long vacation. Hit up the bowling alley instead of the beach. Step into the dollar store instead of the fancy department stores.

Rearrange the way you spend and save -- soon, you'll find yourself enjoying a wonderful and fun day with the family!

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