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Getting Kids to Enjoy the Outdoors, Just Like We Did!

Do you remember when you were younger and the neighborhood kids would all get together? We would play outside for hours, not coming home until the street-lights came on or when we heard Daddy whistling for us.

Kids now-a-days (including mine) just don't get it. And frankly, I don't get 'it' either! How can you be a kid, so full of energy and excitement, and sit in front of the TV or tablet all day long?! I find myself constantly nagging, "Why don't you go outside and play a game of soccer?", "Go enjoy the sunshine guys...". My Momma didn't have to ask me twice! From the moment I woke up, I was outside (rain, snow, sun, storm..).

The last 6 years have given me ample time to reflect on ways to get my kids active and getting fresh air. I realized that forcing them to go outside and play with other kids wasn't cutting it all the time. Sure, they love playing with their friends but being young and having restrictions on what you can do gets boring after a while.

Family time. That is what solved the dilemma. My kids wanted to spend time with their Momma and Daddy - duh! I began getting active with them. Busting out the bikes, taking a wagon ride around the block, grabbing roller-blades, having a picnic at the park, and most recently....


We spent this past weekend at the beautiful, Lancaster City 'Rising Park' and got to climb the hiking trail! The kids loved it, I loved it, and it was amazing to see the fall foliage and the breathtaking view at the tippy-top!

(If interested in knowing more about Rising Park, shoot me an email I'll be more than happy to share!)

Whatever your family takes interest in, make it fun and make it a family time to remember! It doesn't take much to get kids outside and enjoying nature! -- Play a game of soccer -- Toss a Frisbee

-- Grab old nail-polish & paint some rocks

-- Buy chalk ($1 @ Dollar Tree!) and get artsy

-- Take a walk around the block

-- Have the kids help you sweep the sidewalk

-- Go to the park and play for a little bit

I want to know all of your fun ideas and things you have done to get outside more! Find me on Facebook and let me know!

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