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New Year Resolutions: What & How with Kids

The New Year means it's time to take control of our lives and change what we don't like - and for the majority of us, we often make resolutions that we don't stick to. New Year resolutions provide a great opportunity for you and your kids to see what has worked throughout the last year and what hasn't.

It's beneficial for adults and kids alike to stick to their New Year's resolutions: our children learn a lot about self-discipline and the value of making goals- along with the sense of envy while watching Mom or Dad stick to theirs as well!

Here's some tips on how to help your kids benefit from making resolutions and some really awesome ideas too!

Get the Entire Family Involved Start by discussing what a 'resolution' is : depending on their age, you can describe it as a pledge or a goal. The more you talk about it, the more they'll understand and the more they'll be excited!

The best way to teach your kids the importance of resolutions is by making it part of the family tradition! Each December, sit down and discuss what goals you all would like to accomplish and reflect on all of the things accomplished in the last year. Talk about what worked and what didn't then come up with some ideas on what you can try in the coming year.

You can make a list and stick it on the fridge so everyone can see it and be reminded daily about the goals you all are working towards.

* Preschool aged children ideas: encourage them to work on listening skills and helping skills!

* Ages 5 - 12 ideas: commitment to wearing a seat belt, drinking more water, or showing more kindness & compassion!

* Adult ideas: make it your goal to de-clutter your home, spend more time with your family, or making (and sticking to) a game night twice a month!

Be a Role Model --- IMPORTANT

Your kids are watching and this is a prime time to set a great example! Think of how you can include your children into your resolution and show them that it's important to follow through. (example: If your resolution is to incorporate more water into your diet, you can ask your children if they want to have a glass too - then be sure to remind them that you guys are one step closer to reaching your resolution goal!).

Rewards Mean A Lot to Kids

When we finally meet a goal, we feel like we can accomplish anything & that's a wonderful feeling! Children also relish on that thrill of accomplishment (especially when their parents recognize & acknowledge it). It's important to take the time to acknowledge the kids' success.

If resolutions are not being met, be sure to remain understanding and some-what flexible. This is not the time for punishment but a time for providing more attention to the goals that need more reinforcement. Is some kind of assistance needed or maybe a reminder?

More Ideas for Kids:

*Eat healthier foods

*Get a good night's sleep every night

*Improve school grades

*More exercise

*Break a bad habit

*Be more organized

*Cut down on sugar intake

*Watch less TV

*Try to eat new foods

*Read a new book each day

*Help my Mom and Dad more

*Teaching a sibling how to ride a bike

Try letting your kids come up with their own ideas and I bet they'll come up with some really funny ones! Be realistic but have fun with it!


In closing, I want to wish everyone a very

HAPPY HOLIDAY season and I hope you are just as excited as I am to see what 2018 has in store! - Kristen -

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